EPK – .githerments #1

Released: 8th November 2024

Githerments is an old Yorkshire word for a collection of unrelated things.

I’ve spoke in the past about how I write music. Often just going where the muse takes me without a real aim. Sometimes tunes come together under loose projects or themes, but often I end up with some nice stuff just sat in a folder somewhere – and things move on and there they stay. 

So I have a fair number of finished or almost finished tunes that are just string in folders not being heard – which is a bit pointless for music, don’t you think?

So my githerments releases (there will be more) will collect some of these up, and I’ll also use them to get other gribbles ephemera out too. Experiments, improvisations, rehearsals and live tracks – that sort of stuff.

For githerments #1 I did a limited run of 25 hand made CDs which were be exclusively available at the Whitby Switched On electronic weekender, though some found there way onto Bandcamp and a few are still available…

EPK files

If you would like listen, review, or play these tracks on your show you can download an archive of wav/mp3s of the tracks from the link below. This archive also contains other media such as cover images and logos.

Download githerments EPK Files

Videos and other media

Reviews / Quotes

There are no reviews for githerments yet.

Brief Bio

“ [a] British electronic music wizard” – Spinditty

“Vangelis and Moby have an unusual relationship and @gribbles is created” – Uncle Les

gribbles is Graham Thorpe, an amateur musician from the UK.  He has been described as a “British electronic music wizard” – which makes him blush and laugh in equal measure.

Originally from Gainsborough in Lincolnshire, like many he was in a few bands in his youth, playing local gigs and getting a small following. Then, again like many, life took over and whilst still keeping his hand in, making music was put on the back burner.

He picked up music again in the late nineties with a big beat/found samples solo album that drew comparisons to Bentley Rhythm Ace, and into the 2000s doing Underworld inspired semi-improv live electronica as part of the duo Aztechnology. Aztechnology morphed into quiddity who produced music in a mix of styles from ambient, through to big thumpers – “Like Underwork and Fluke have a Warpy face-off”, as one person put it.

More recently, gribbles has been mainly working on solo projects with the odd collaboration, and has been putting out a mix of increasingly well received ambient, synthwave, electronica and EDM tunes.

Gribbles has been steadily gaining attention with music being included in two mainstream Playstation/PC games (Polybius and Moose Life) from the critically acclaimed independent software house, Llamasoft. 

His track Requiem topped the most played chart on SkyLab Radio in August 2020, and ‘I Was’ was chosen for inclusion on the Hippie Drive label’s debut compilation album.

His latest full album ‘Digressions’ was released in late 2022 on Werra Foxma’s SubClub, and has just been re-released through his Bandcamp store.

Plans for the immediate future are to continue releasing singles/EPs on Bandcamp while working on a couple of longer form projects.

Current projects & distractions (Jan ’25)

  • Continuing to write music incorporating recordings of old Lincolnshire Dialect poetry. Possibly do enough tracks to go with the existing ones to consider an album…
  • A hauntology project, inspired/based on my childhood growing up in Gainsborough. Not terribly original, but I think I need to get it out of my system. Working Title: The Past Is Another County
  • A series of longer form, more ambient ramblings. The initial idea was to go DAWless for this, but I’m not sure I’m wired for that. Or I’ve just got *too* reliant on Ableton…. Toying with the idea of tying them together with a concept. Have one in mind, but just seeing if it’ll work…
  • More live work…

None of the above have a firm timescale – I fit my music making in where I can. That said, if anyone is interested in anything, drop me a line.

Useful Links for gribbles:

Places I’m most often around in….
Bluesky – @grahamgribbles-co-uk
Bandcamp – gribbles.bandcamp.com
Mastodon – @gr******@ma*********.uk (My antispam filter might obfuscate this – click to view!)
YouTube – @gribblesmusic

Streaming stuff…
Bandcamp | Spotify | Apple Music | Amazon | Tidal

Other links:
Facebook – @gribblesmusic

Get in touch

The quickest way to get in touch is to email me by clicking here

You can also DM me on Bluesky or Mastodon (links above) – I tend to check them daily…


I’m aware that a lot of my old stuff will still be new to a lot of people. Of course, if you’re interested, you can have a shuffle round whatever is in your music player of choice, but for DJs/Bloggers/Vloggers etc I’ve also done a discography. I’m adding EPK pages to my back catalogue so you can use/review some older tunes if you feel so inclined and would like access to some resources for them. If you hear something you like and may want to use, but it hasn’t been EPK’d up yet – drop me a line and I’ll sort you out with the files…
Click here for the full (ish) gribbles discography

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