Hi chaps.
Given the hassle Giles had with the emails I was bouncing about, I thought it just as quick and easy to chuck a web page up. I’m going to do a general web page about this anyway, so will just end up editing this one 😉 Dunno if Giles managed to read anything of my emails, so I’ll repeat stuff here just in case 🙂
So, I’ve got into the habit of making some ‘homemade’ CDs for odd releases. Nothing too grand, just a bit of a personal touch. I thought it’d be nice to do something for ML.
My wife, Sarah, if a bit of a crafter. She’s a whizz at crochet and knitting and other stuff, and in the past she’s done these cute little crochet animals – just a couple of inches long, they’re called amigurami.
So I asked her if she could do a few moose for me to give away as a freebie for the 1st few CDs that get sold 🙂
And, well – here he is. Meet the moose….
To give you an idea of the size…..
So, my plan was to send one to you guys as a thanks for using my Moosic, but also to pop one in the first 5 CDs that I sell (actually I may change my mind about how I send them out – the 1st 5 to order seems a little too rigid, and it’s all over really quickly. I might do something like, give it a month, then choose 5 random punters from everyone who bought the CD in that month…or something)
Anyway, that’s nice enough -but it gets better. The wool Sarah has used comes from an animal sanctuary close to us that rescues livestock – http://www.manorfarmcharitabletrust.org/. The wool is from rescued sheep. Specifically, the brown is from Cindy and the white horns are from Dumpy.
This is Cindy:
And this is Dumpy:
Isn’t that lovely! I mean it’s nice for Sarah to make the mooses – but I think it’s a real icing on the cake for her to have some wool that came from rescued sheepies. Perfect for Llamasoft!
I may drop them a note letting them know what we’re doing with Cindy and Dumpy’s coats – and let them know of the a link to you guys –  a couple software devs who also love their sheep and have a flock of rescued fluffiness. Feels like a really nice story. In fact I may write a little blog post somewhere, then you can link to it as well if you like.
I don’t know how the CD will sell – but if it does OK, I intend to send some money to Manor Farm and also fund some digestives for your flock. 😉
Anyway – there you go. A little special something – it certainly brought a smile to may face when Sarah brought the wool down from her room and told me about it – I hope it does for you as well…
I’ve done a first pass of the CD, so just FYI: